Thursday, August 25, 2011

New forms of media publishing

The new form of media communication, such as the internet, has been rapidly replacing the traditional forms of media like TV, newspapers and radios, with its ability of prompt publications and sharing of information. Moreover a lot of people find it more favourable because, unlike the new form of media, the traditional form is a one-way communication.

In fact, Jay Rosen, the journalism professor of New York University, supports this by explaining that the printed newspapers being altered into digital media, has helped the costs of getting information cheaper, thus increasing the participants with more ideas. Furthermore, regardless of the location, media consumers can now easily get the information using new social media tools on internet (Ingram, 2011).


An example of the social media tools is Twitter. Steven Levy of Wired magazine explains how twitter has been impacting greatly on the publishing media with the fact of how user-oriented and real time it can be, and Levy also expressed that social media tools such as Facebook and Twitter are becoming more important to the community (Harper, 2009).


The affordance theory is claimed by Gibson (Learning-Theories, 2011) that the world not only being recognized by the shapes of objects and relationships, but the perception making the action.

This theory has hence proved the significance of social media tools such as Twitter where anyone can share the information online anywhere at any time, altering communication in a new media ecosystem.

(238 words)


Harper, RA 2009, ‘The Social Media Revolution: Exploring the Impact on Journalism and News Media Organizations’, Student Pulse, viewed 28 August 2011,

Ingram, M 2011, ‘Is the internet making journalism better or worse? Yes’, Gigaom, viewed 29 August 2011,

Learning Theories 2011, ‘Affordance Theory (Gibson)’,, viewed 28 August 2011,

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